If you would like to donate to No Duff Ukraine, we now have a Ukrainian Bank Account.
Alternatively you can still donate by the usual methods.
No Duff Ukraine
Details of Ukrainian Bank
Account Number 14360570
Bank code 30 - 52 - 99
Branch address: 01054, Kyiv, 14-A Yaroslaviv Val St.
No Duff UK CIC
Sort Code: 04-03-70
Account: 95420176

NDUK and NDUA, in collaboration with Lions Litigate Ukraine and Open Ukraine, are actively involved in providing support and assistance to various aspects of the conflict in Ukraine. Here is a breakdown of their key roles and activities:
Founders and Leadership: NDUK CEO Dean Owen and Mr. Stan Batryn of Lions Litigate and Open Ukraine are the original founders of NDUA. NDUA is a fully registered NGO operating in Ukraine.
Mental Health and Wellbeing: NDUA places a significant emphasis on ensuring the mental health and wellbeing of volunteers from the United Kingdom who are involved in various roles within Ukraine. These volunteers can include humanitarian aid workers, medics, soldiers, and individuals working in roles related to Ukraine's defence.
Repatriation and Liaison: Both organizations play a critical role in the repatriation process for individuals who have been killed in action (KIA), wounded, or subjected to war crimes. They serve as liaison officers, facilitating communication and negotiations between the Ukrainian Government, United Kingdom Government, Ukrainian Police, UK Police Forces, and the families affected by the conflict. This involves keeping the families informed about the situation regarding their relatives.
Logistical Support: NDUK and NDUA are actively engaged in logistical support operations. They transport medical aid, humanitarian aid, and personal protection equipment, collecting supplies from various locations within the United Kingdom and ensuring they reach their intended recipients in Ukraine.
Location: NDUA is based in Central Kyiv, which allows them to work closely with their partners and maintain proximity to the families of fallen or injured individuals.
In summary, NDUK, NDUA, Lions Litigate Ukraine, and Open Ukraine are working together to provide essential support and services related to mental health, repatriation, liaison, and logistical support in the context of the conflict in Ukraine. Their collaborative efforts aim to address the needs of volunteers, victims, and their families while also facilitating the flow of aid and assistance to those affected by the conflict.